Thursday, April 22, 2010


I went with a friend to a Mexican Restaurant, unfortunately I can't quite remember the name but I believe it was Cancun Plaza. For dinner I ordered a vegetarian meal, I am not quite a meat person so I decided to try something different than from my usual flour tortilla, beans, and rice. I got a vegetarian fajita meal. It was absolutely wonderful, it came with sauteed onions, green and red peppers, mushrooms in a taco seasoning ( a little spicy). On the side I got a farely good size bowl of black beans, and a side of rice that had carrots and peas in it, and that rice contained a little seasoning in it as well. My meal was so exquisite and really hit the spot. Unfortunately the plate was HUGE! My friend and I could of shared it plus another person. I didn't dare try and eat it all I doubt I would of been able to get very far. I snuck a look at the price of my plate and it cost $12.95 for it. At first I felt horrible because I felt like that was way to much money for some sauteed vegetable but after seeing how much I got on my plate it made complete since on why it was so much. The nice part also being that I could box it up and take it home for dinner or lunch the next day. Along with my meal I had water and than when time came for dessert I really had to force myself to say no. Although they had this custard that looked absolutely amazing for $8. The price for that really got to me and by the end of the night I was so full from eating a quarter amount of my meal I didn't dare say yes to dessert.

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