Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Applebee's Chicken Wings

As I was getting ready to leave for my restaurant adventure, I noticed my gas tank was nearly empty so I decided to stay close to campus and have a meal in Lacey instead of the nearby Olympia. My friends in Tacoma always talk about this deal that Applebee's has where after 9 pm, all appetizers are half price! I had never been to Apple bee's, and my wallet was looking close to empty so... Applebee's it was!

I was browsing the appetizer menu, looking for something that might fill me up even though it was an appetizer. I'm a really big fan of hot wings, so I decided to give this restaurant's wings a try. I'm going to be completely honest and say these wings were AWESOME! They were larger than most chicken wings, nicely dipped in a "not too spicy" sauce, incredibly tender, and came with 4 crisp slices of celery to accent the spicy flavor. The wings also came with a creamy ranch dipping sauce that made each bite of chicken even more delicious than they already were! There were 12 of them, which is very surprising because most other restaurants charge a customer an average of 10 dollars for maybe 8 wings! After I gulped down my glass of water, the bill came and my meal was only $7.24!! I was full, had a satisfying meal, and spent less than ten dollars. I couldn't have chosen a better restaurant to venture out to for this project.

A food related issue I would like to look into is the over pricing of food. Like I said, most restaurants will charge you up to 10 dollars for 8 tiny pieces of chicken and after you buy a soda, your meal may amount to 15 dollars. Being a broke college student, I can't spend money on food like that so I pay close attention to prices at restaurants. I would like to research the actual pricing of food products, the markup percentage, the actual quality of the food (is it WORTH the price?), and the profit being made for the restaurant.


  1. Katy,

    I loved your detailed account of the experience, it made it very interesting to read. Also, the food related issue you're looking into seems very interesting and I would also like to know a little more about the profit and pricing of food.

    Great Job,


  2. This is a great description! Your picture is really good, did you take it? I agree that the overpricing of the food industry is something worth looking into. Perhaps you could also look into profit margins for top food companies.


  3. I love Applebees, but they are pretty pricy most of the time. Although, if you get the deals it fits into anyone's budget.For me, the appetizer usually fills me up so I don't spend that much. I love your picture by the way!
